Starlings at da Cable Hoose

It was a lovely sunny day, a bit chilly in the wind but warm in the lea.  Typical, finish work, have tea and then it clouded over, not for too long, the sun came out again. 

It was a busy start to the day, and a lot of visitors from the wedding party.  With the fine day and the last day of the holidays, we finished off quite busy too.  I had my tea and then me, Brian and Sammy headed out for a run on the boat to Binna Ness.  The house there is fairly coming on now and nearly finished.  Off to work in the pub later but first, An Island Parish continues on the telly.

Brian dropped me and Sammy off at Burwick and we walked home from there.  I was taking a photo of the old cable house and a woosh of starlings passed by us.  They were moving a bit quick for my camera :) 

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