.... a super day!

After having a top day babysitting Alice, we also celebrated a slight "milestone" today as well. Let it be recorded I did remember to wish the boss a wonderful 45th wedding anniversary today as well!! Good eh!!

Had a great dinner with family tonight to celebrate.

Found this kooka when i called into my private wetlands on the way back home this arvo. Think it a young one as it was happy for me to click away as it changed pose positions, then flew off.

Had just turned the camera to portrait for a shot and it went.... damn!! Have a look in extra to see what I mean, but it does give you an idea of their wing colouring.

Check out this WIKI link here to get some info and listen to their "laugh" - (on right hand side under "call" heading) 

Enjoy, have a look in LARGE and apologies again for lack of comment. 

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