Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Out takes

Well, tests, really.
C's brother P stayed round last night before heading off to a conference at Brum. So, for the second working day in a row, it was football after work followed by an Indian. Yesterday it was the turn of the Kardoman Lounge. Not bad. And a good excuse to have a rare weekday pint. Or two. The Kingfisher made it just like being back in Goa.

The journeys from work to football and from football home had been epically wet. And I had made the wrong car choice. And permanently leaving the roof of the Morgan in the garage wasn't the best thing. Someone at work actually offered me a lift home!

Today was business at work followed by a 7-a-side defeat for the Wrong Formation Technology boys. Then I reffed the following game. And had to lend my boots to someone whose own footwear disintegrated. My socks are really muddy.

We get to play the Rocket Scientists tomorrow...

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