
By Realgrumpytyke

Stay of execution?

First, apologies that comments etc have gone a bit awry recently. I'm trying to catch up.
Doing the village website (in fact what I call the 'alternative village website' as there is a Parish Council one) I get called on all sorts of issues, the latest being the appearance of numbers on a large number of trees in a coppice close to where I live. The indication is that they are to be felled but they are 'protected'. The person contacting me had not been able to locate the land owner to ask about them, but had contacted the local authority (Leeds) which said that no application to fell them had been received. I've passed a bit of info back to the person who contacted me. Some of the trees are dead, but some definitely not - there are many buds bursting on the one blipped.
Good news today; I had a call from the hospital re my blood test on Monday - things have improved and my consultant surgeon had asked for me to be contacted and told not to change the medication (and a message saying he was looking forward to seeing me - isn't that nice?). I'll be seeing him on Friday (lovely man, from the Sudan)

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