
Oh my goodness what a fabulous distraction from book teaching!!! We've had 2 incubators delivered to school with 24 eggs in them and we've spent hours far too long just looking at them and watching the chicks hatch. The children are fascinated by them.
must do some work....no I'll go and look at the chicks a bit longer. ....and then there were 4!!!

Since the lads left home we've decided to celebrate our monthiversary (someone will know where I stole that idea from!!!!) so today I arranged to take The Rev out to see Eddie the Eagle, unfortunately after getting the tickets I must have dropped them. We looked everywhere. Glad The Rev had his collar on as they believed the story and let us in!!!....a funny film and quite touching. I recommend it.

104/366.....a chance to see new life being born and to enjoy the children deligh.

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