Abstract Thursday

This is the first time I've entered a photo into the Abstract Thursday group (I think).  Having created my submission earlier today I read that there was a theme for this week's entries, i.e. 90 degree angles.  Well my picture, which is part of one of my wooden chopping boards, colour slightly amended, has no right angles, though it does have a couple of straight lines. I hope this is acceptable?

Ann went out to meet a friend tonight so Tom and I finished off what was left of yesterdays lunch, along with a fresh salad and jacket potato, oh and a tine of tuna.  I felt stuffed after that so collapsed in front of the TV.

Whilst walking back from Nero this morning I saw a beautiful magnolia tree in full blossom, so in case abstract is not to your taste I've included a pic in the extras.

Thanks to youoregon1 for hosting today's Abstract Thursday.

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