The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Busy, busy ...

To the park in the morning, where Maisie chatted to the wallabies. She loves them, but is rather frightened of the fallow deer who always bark at her.

When we got home I showered her in readiness for her interview at puppy day school! She was taken into the main room where a couple of the dogs were waiting and played beautifully with them. Gradually more of the dogs were brought in and (I'm told - because I was elsewhere, being quizzed about my expectations for her!) she was fine until the big boys came in - a couple of very energetic GSDs. The dogs are watched and played with all the time - so if things get too boisterous the dogs are split up into two groups in separate rooms.

Maisie passed with flying colours, and will be spending Tuesdays there (playing in the morning and having a little training in the afternoon) while I go to my bird class - perfect!

Then to a rehearsal at the university for Friday's lunchtime concert. All went well - after the rehearsal my friends who are the soloists in the two concertos came back for fish and chips and cherry ice cream - not a bad day, all in all!

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