
This sculpture has sat on the veranda at work since last year. Noone seems to know where it came from or what it was for. I really like it and have been meaning to blip it for months. Today was my last chance.

A very emotional day today. My last as a staff member at Murchison Area School. Everyone (Board, staff and students) were very generous with their words and their gifts.

As I said more than once today, I moved here expecting to stay 2 to 5 years. More than 9 years later I'm on the road again - and that's the longest I've lived anywhere in my life! It's a hard place to leave and I'm definitely leaving a piece of my heart behind.

Thank you to everyone, past and present, who've contributed to my time here.

Farmergirl please keep blipping so I can continue to enjoy the area vicariously through you!

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