Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Mexxi and Roo

Mexxis very shy and its hard to get a blip of her she's not too keen on Roo or Kanga, yet she's fine with Bean.

I had her this January her name was Ruby,but to call Roo and Ruby on a walk was just too much, so she became Mexxi.

She had been used for breeding before i had owned her but from my point of view is far to small, Bean to is very small not good to breed it could very possibly kill them.

Kanga is the only one of my girls I would think about breeding for size unfortunately her personality has a lot to be desired so I think the dreams of becoming a chihuahua breeder will always stay dreams.

Ruby because of her red eyes this isn't my camera she has got ruby eyes! But Mexxi because she's a Mexican!!!

Thanks to everyone who commented yesterday on our 300th blip. Roo was chuffed!!!

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