knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1


Cellophane isn't something you'd immediately think of to weave but it can be done and looks a bit cooler in a photo than real life.
Another full day at the loom today trying out more techniques and playing with different yarns. Got another sample done and just now trying to make sure I've tried everything before I head home tomorrow. Somehow I need to take the warp off the loom so that I can re-thread it onto my table loom at home. Should be interesting.
Also got my silk yarn that I ordered up earlier in the week. Not quite sure what I'm going to do with it but it's nice being able to start a silk weaving stash.
Need to pack my bags tonight as going home tomorrow afternoon. Can't wait as really missed my boys and the dogs and cat. Really looking forward to a weekend of relaxing and eating real food and maybe some spinning.

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