Weight Watchers - Romford

Saturday Mornings I help out at my local 'Weight Watchers' meeting.
A few years back I lost a lot of weight with WW which I have managed to keep off and when I was asked if I would help out at my meeting I said 'yes' (one of my traits is I rarely so no if someone wants help!!).
I just do a bit of lifting and carrying of tables and chairs etc and hand out members cards when they come in.
The hardest part is remembering everyone's name.
They all know me as I'm the guy who gives out the cards! "Hello Billy" they will say as they come in ans kind of expect me to remember theirs to give them their card.
I have perfected this trick though....They have to sign in when they come in. If I can't remember a name I will fumble around pretending I can't find their card. Whilst doing this I say "just sign in, I'll find it in a sec" I then watch them sign in, hope their handwriting is ok and then I have it! 

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