Shopping Mall

Had to go into Aberdeen this morning for a spot of business. While signing some forms I noticed the date 16/4/16.  When I mentioned it to my signee he told me of his friend who got excited by the date 4/4/16. Something to do with square roots lol!!  I had expected to get some exciting blips in Aberdeen. However, it was windy and sleeting with a temp of 6 degrees  -  I couldn't get back to the Railway Station quick enough!  No blips en route!  Luckily the Station has a great Shopping Mall with all my favourite shops - principally Paperchase and M&S. There is also a lovely white little grand piano in the Foyer which I decided to blip. No sooner had I got my camera out than this little boy jumped in and started to play magnificently. I asked his mother if he normally played the piano and she said he didn't.  I was puzzled because it sounded like a tune he was playing. I wasn't until I got home and loaded it on to my laptop that I noticed the power lines attached to it, and realised it was an automatic piano.  Next time I might have a go myself!  It was still sleeting when I got to Sonehaven  -  see my extra through the rain window.  I was glad to get home to the warm!  Have a nice evening, Everyone:)

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