A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


All that mocking and advice giving yesterday must have been too much for the boy. He has not really surfaced from a massive crash today. As hard as it has been for all of us I keep reminding myself how much harder it is for him. We have to miss out on a (no doubt lovely) celebration of our friends' wedding anniversary; he can barely lift his head, speak or stand up.

These days are a rarer occurrence though than they once were so hopefully tomorrow will be brighter. And soon we may even be able to string some real days together.

So instead of the glass of something celebratory I was saving my blip for I'm afraid it's the scraps from my emergency sweet potato cake making.

I'm really not a fan of days like this but dinner will hopefully still be lovely and I'll still have the glass and toast our friends and we are one day closer to the tests and treatment. (Phew, managed to end on a positive).

Lesley x

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