It's All A Chess Game Really

Wow, spent the day at the Spiritual Connection Workshop.  The woman who taught it is called The Beantown Medium.  For those who don't know, Boston is known as Beantown to the locals.  A celebration of good, positive energies and grateful affirmations.  The chest set was in the lobby of the country club where the workshop was held.  

This Medium feels that we all have abilities to connect with others intuitively as well as with loved ones who have passed and there was a chance to do that.  Also a lot of time spent on attracting positive energy, accepting and asking for what you need from the universe or whoever your spiritual connections are strong with.  Many good moments.

I haven't had a lot of time the past few days for commenting and looking at all your photos, feeling a little deprived about that, but hope that while I'm sitting in airports on Sunday I can catch up.  

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