Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

the original rampant rabbit...............

...................it's a little known secret but ann summers owes me big time for this! ;o)

the outfit today actually has a story behind it. you see when Mrs McD and i were first going out/dating/ courting(that one's for you bisk) it was a bit tricky as i lived in edinburgh and she lived in london. so as you can imagine there was a lot of "pick me up at the airport" scenarios. well on one of the rare occasions when she came up to edinburgh (i shouldn't have a dig as my job allowed a bit more freedom for travelling at the time), but anyway i digress. so as i was saying she was arriving at edinburgh airport and when she walked out into the baggage area there i was standing wearing this ridiculous rabbit outfit. i still have no idea why but it seemed like a good idea at the time. ah i do recall that it had something to do with trying to embarrass her or seeing if she would actually go red or even talk to me when she saw me in it. she did burst out laughing and i should hope so after the funny looks i got standing around edinburgh airport for an hour dressed as a big rabbit! oddly enough security never even approached me...................bet if i whipped out my camera now they'd be on me in seconds. anyway that is the rabbit costume tale whether you wanted it or not. isn't it funny the things you do for love?

on a more serious note can we confirm who shall be attending this week's meet up?

also for today's music choices i blame dale winton, the man who has done more for the sale of creosote than anyone on the planet. you see while out and about today i was listening to him on radio 2 and his "pick of the charts" show. for the older folk amongst you it's the show alan "fluff" freeman used to host. any hoo one of the years was 1991 and it did take me back a bit to some tunes i used to enjoy but had forgotten about over the years.

so first up is love decade and "so real". then we have altern 8 and "active 8" (early dance tunes have a lot to answer for! and on that note i shall end on shades of rhythm and "extacy" (not my spelling by the way)

ok bit of a long one tonight and a slight delay in posting.............but that's another story.

have a great week folks, i know i will as i'm only in 3 1/2 days this week as i've got baby McD's christmas play to go and see (already had the letter from the school saying no flash photography but as always i'll argue my case about not needing to use my flash)

night folks..............

late edit: just noticed my year ago was one of my biggest blip mistakes and also my pic with will carling....the man who shagged a princess.........oh yeah he also happened to play rugby for england

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