Building A Picture

One man and his dog.
One man and his dog and
a bottle. One man and his dog
and a bottle and a lighter
which is just visible in his left hand. So;
one man and his dog and his bottle
and his lighter and his tobacco
and his cigarette papers
which must be in there somewhere.
And his rucksack which you can’t see
but which he dumped
in the middle of the pavement
before he slumped
and put his back against the wall
then bowed his head.

I’m guessing that’s more or less
the sum of him,
of what he owns that is,
not what he is.
I know there’s a
bigger picture
and events in his life
that must have led to this  –
one man and his dog
with their backs against a wall.
He's maybe on drugs.
Possibly drunk.
Probably sleeping.

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