Ride 'em, cowboy!

Yesterday and today have brought me to the point of total exhaustion. Yesterday involved doing the street market and visiting three supermarkets to get the ingredients for tonight’s dinner. I did start to prepare some of the dishes yesterday evening, but as HH decided to start making a ginger cake at around 10 pm and we both got in each others’ way, I didn’t make much progress, and was washing up till 01:15.
Today I was on my feet all day – could anyone be slower in the kitchen than I am? Luckily, Miracle Maria was here till nearly 5 pm and whizzed through the cleaning and washing up, but even so, my hopes of at least 10 minutes in a horizontal position never materialized.
Anyway, I eventually got everything done just in time and we had a really good evening. Everyone was in good form and disposed to enjoy themselves and no-one went home till around midnight. At which point, we crashed.
Two of our more adventurous guests arrived on a Harley Davidson – worse still (almost unforgiveable), Marcia stepped off it looking the picture of unruffled elegance. It shouldn’t be allowed – but I have to forgive her, she’s such a delightful person.

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