
By Bigdreamer

The 4 amigos

Miss M had her hair cut yesterday, and there were tears!!! (she wants hair like repunzal) after a discuss about having the dead ends cut off, so it could then grow longer she had at least calmed down a bit. The hairdresser was really good and after she had finished cutting braided her hair down her back. Back in the car she piped up from the back so Mum is my hair living again and will it grow now. I smiled I love the minds of children!

Miss B was this morning unusually quite while getting ready for kinder, on our way to the car she bursted into tears, mum can I stay home with you I feel so lonely! in between tears and sobs I manage to make sense of what was upsetting her Miss M and Miss L were at home with me while she was the only one back at kinder.... Of course I buckled and gave her the day off, sometimes there are more important things to learn.We spent the morning chasing jagga around the garden, and playing mums and sisters, finished with a picnic lunch inside. It was nice to have my three no four munchkins home.You wouldn't believe it NO arguments either.

I snapped this shot of the girls trying to convince jagga to go across their bridge.....Better luck next time girls!!!!

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