Clouds, muses, dogs and a complete idiot

I researched the Adobe Creative Cloud today almost three months after the launch. Had to, even though I suspected it's an aggressive money-grubbing scheme by Adobe, not right for me but probably great for people who do design and graphics 24/7, on all their mobile devices while they grocery shop, roller blade, commute to work and so on.

Checked out Muse 1.0 (er, I think not, maybe by the time vs 3.0 rolls around) Did laugh at all the chat room elitist banter between web designers who think website design should be the domain of only those who can write flawless HTML and CSS code. Scared of having their services devaluated, boo hoo hoo.

Thought about how I will prevent the newly adopted boy pug, Buddy, who is staying here with his sister Carmen (who you know) starting tomorrow, from peeing and pooping in the house, besides taking them for long walks and letting them out frequently. I was informed a couple of days ago that they thought he was house trained but that he has had some accidents. I'm thinking Huggies diapers on him right now but he'll probably walk funny.

Then a bright shiny cherry to top of an otherwise ordinary day. The complete idiot who has been quiet for a while, put her ugly foot in her mouth again. Always good for a snigger. I promise you, there is nothing weird in our state's water.

Disclaimer: to the complete idiot's people should they find this entry: this is purely my opinion and in no way reflects the opinion of blipfoto or any of its staff members.

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