Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

The Runaway Bunny

{Best large}

Oh Callum,

At times you feign to be just like the Runaway Bunny. You push and you run and find your freedom. But I'll keep running...

This morning Reuben enjoyed loved school, Callum tentatively took his first swim lesson of the season after panicking in the water with me on Monday and I worked capturing three newborns, one just two hours old.

When we all arrived home, I indulged in a two hour nap and felt hugely better for it. I'm pretty good without much sleep nowadays, that is, until it catches up on me.

I enjoyed this evening with Reuben. We read Hansel & Gretal together and then just sat and talked. It feels like it's been a while since we've had that time like that together. With the globe beside us, we pointed to London where Callum and I will be flying next week and to Los Angeles where Reuben would be staying to look after our home. I made a story up on spot, well, more true to life than story, about two little boys who stroll out in the evening with their mummy brandishing a camera, usually to somewhere florally, and take photos on a theme. Reuben then recounted his own little story from in his head. Lovely.

No eyes or lips editing... promise. Callum is naturally this beautiful. Fair to say a new favourite, clean and simply edited.

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