
By lycerejo

Black letter day...

Today is a black letter day for our town - a well respected and loved school superintendent was killed by a car during his morning run in our neighborhood. The driver was a 17 year old student hurrying for a school trip...

I had no idea when I saw the alert about a road closure before getting on a plane. I only found out when I landed.

This affected me more than I imagined. I didn't know him, but knew of him. He met my wife and son a few weeks ago when my son's team achieved something for the school, and he took a picture with the team.

His wife is an elementary school teacher and one of his three sons is in the high school. Our schools are closed today and tomorrow.

People were venting and blaming on social media and news sites, when prayers and support was all that was called for.

I wish I could have been with the rest of the town at the candlelight vigil this evening...

Life is short and unpredictable...

Being in a hotel, this was the nearest blip to a black letter day that I could find.

Rest In Peace Dr. Steven Mayer!

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