Mechanical Advantage

I was woken at 05:00 by a text message to say Rachel had gone to Gloucester hospital as the baby is on her way,  decided to doze until 6:00 and then get away before the traffic. By the time I was at Malvern I had a message from Tim to ask if I could buy a hot water bottle and bring it to the hospital for Rachel ... H&S rules (or perhaps someone's interpretation of them?) mean the hospital can't provide them to mums in labour.  The risks of childbirth and parenting are clearly not as dangerous as a rubber bag and a one and a half litres of warm water :-)  Off to Argos in Homebase, away to the hospital and back to Upton to meet Gill and James from his bounce and sing session.

On the positive side - Rachel is being looked after by midwives - the epitome of stable common sense, I didn't get charged for parking at the hospital, the sun is shining and James is a delight to spend a day with :-)

No idea what this afternoon holds, apart from a new granddaughter, so today's blip is a set of pulleys on an old recovery truck parked outside a garage in Upton.   The extra is James sat on the truck's footplate. 

In other news: my death by power point talk on Blipfoto went down well at the camera club yesterday evening, and one of my previous blip images has been chosen for an exhibition in a couple of months at Compton Verney, a local gallery.  

Just under a week to go until our Warwick Blipmeet too :-)
Info here in the forums

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