Black Diamond

Up nice and early for a relaxing canal tour before we hit the Tivoli Gardens for the first time. I'm not really a theme park kind of person, in general, but the fact that the Gardens open at the beginning of April turns out to be the best improvement we made in our enforced rescheduling from February. Tivoli is a Pleasure Gardens in the old-fashioned sense - kitsch and marvellous and slightly weird. Katie, in particular, loved it and even the somewhat terrifying Himmelskibet didn't slow her down. Actually she claimed to find the ancient wooden rollercoaster, the Rutschebanen, far scarier - and we all went on that. It still has a brakeman on each carriage to manually operate the controls which she seemed to find somewhat worrying. Later on we caught the harbour bus again - from outside the National Library - and went to the Design Museum...

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