
By Mindseye

Triffid with lipstick

I e been so determined to catch up today with my commenting, that I've just realised its 7.50pm, I'm going out to,the quiz in 25 minutes, I'm not showered or changed, and no blip uploaded!!!!! Arghhhhhh

Luckily as its been so lovely again today, not quite as sunny, but still enough for me to look a little Rudolph esque, I have a few garden shots to chose from.

This appeals to my warped sense of humour, as soon as I saw it, it reminded me of the plant from the Little shop of Horrors :-/

I've had a rather leisurely day today, just around the garden, popped to the shop, nothing more to report reLly.

Made a blue cheese and pear salad, with melted butter honey and balsamic glaze, with pecans tossed in it, rather yummy ;-)

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