Oil bettle

 Another find. That was a big (almost 4 cm long), quick one with a beautiful blue, almost black colour. I produced a big number of mistrials.... she (she is female) rushed through the gras and I hurried behind her to catch her.
Blippers are ridiculous, crawling on the ground to blip a bettle :-D
Oil bettles are not friendly. If they feel attacked, they seclude a poison out of their knees. The larves sit on blooms and try to hang on solitary bees. The bees bring them into their holes and the larves eat the bees larves. Sometimes the bettles larves sit in big groups on the top of the gras and simulate being a yellow bloom. Bad luck for bees coming along.
In Germany they stand onto the red list for almost extincted animals.

I will be out of blip for this weekend. We'll hurry back to Munich to visit my dad and to try to renovate a storage room an apartment. After a lung punction he can breath again and feels better, but still not good. Thank you so much for your good whishes and kind words :-D
We hope to find somebody who will live in the apartment and help him with his daily tasks. That will hopefully prevent him for a nursing home...
He is a Bavarian - he will never leave Munich and come with us.

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