They're back

Boy, I've been looking forward to today: Dan and Abi arrive home from Cape Town.

I knew they were getting in early and would no doubt be tired and grotty when they arrived home, so I arranged with their mum that she'd let me know when they were fit for company.

While I was waiting, I had breakfast at the Bakery with Izzy who is home for the weekend. It was a beautiful day, so we walked into Kirkby Lonsdale from the house, enjoyed what I think is the best breakfast to be found in the town, and then ambled home via Booths, to get Iz a few things to take back to York. She's such great company and our shopping trip was a lot more fun than you'd expect.

It was around this time that Hannelie texted to say Dan and Abi were washed and changed, so Izzy and I decided to take them over to Beetham Nurseries for cake. God, it was so lovely to see them again! A big hug for Dan - now just an inch shorter than me - and Abi attached herself to me, which was great because I didn't want to let go of either of them.

We found a table in the sun at the nursery and sat outside with our coffee and cakes. I was still full from breakfast but Izzy demonstrated just why she won the 'Best Eater' award at Brownie camp all those years ago. (It reminded me of the time after dinner - many, many years ago - when she announced "my dinner side is full but my pudding side is ready to rock!".)

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