Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Law and Order

The Olympic Torch came through Shere today. My friend and I walked along from my house. With the heaving throng of people, we didn't even attempt to get near the centre. We arrived late, but people were still arriving by the bus load.

There were two torch bearers. A young boy aged 22, Oliver Haydon, who has completed 365 Random Acts of Kindness and Charlie Palmer who is very local and well known for his commitment to the Scouts. He ran like a youngster... aged 87!

Please, see the links. They deserve your appreciation.

I've never been so torn between images for a blip. I was at the finish of the tract and have a few images of Charlie at the end of his run, which I could have blipped. For all that he stands for, I feel guilty, but this photograph won.

The real stars of the day were the Cops! Pulled off leave, threatened by bureaucracy with redundancies, they were the true animators and the crowd pleasers. There may have been a full five minutes of floats but the Police were there from the early afternoon and for the duration! Following an incident yesterday, their presence must have doubled. Each and every one had a smile on his face and interacted with the crowd. I lift my hat!

This image is of one of the many bikes passing that touched hands with the crowd and inspired all those that were present. The scene moved me more than all the publicity floats or the runners themselves.

I collected the dogs and went back to Shere a little later. Serendipity, again, had it that I met Charlie on his own, heading for the party in the village. I spoke to him for a while. What a charming man! 87 years young!
He was carrying his torch, now in it's protective bag, still ecstatic after his 'Moment to Shine'.

I'll cherish the memory!

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