Happy chappy

As I say goodbye and return home after the weekend, Minty has agreed to be my blip model. He has been a perfect companion and behaved impeccably.

Last night, when a terrified Pookie came thundering through the cat-flap at a great rate of knots, chased by who-knows-what, Minty immediately stepped up to the plate as her defender and very loudly and swiftly saw the beast off the premises once I'd got up from the sofa and opened the door for him. You can be sure that monster won't dare to darken their doorstep again until tonight.

Since my smartphone, whose camera I rely on more and more for my blips, was "updated" earlier this week, I have been unable to upload any photos to my laptop, which is extremely frustrating. I keep getting a message saying "There are no photos to upload" when there very definitely are!!! Grrr!  Any suggestions welcome...

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