Teenage Photography

By Beth321

Summer Nights

Well, a wonderful way to end the week.

Finally finished school today for the summer, and emotional day it was! Little sister has left primary school and i have 7 months till i leave school!

I came home from school and dyed the end of my hair purple, but after following all of the instructions it didn't hold, so i have a small bit of lilac, will try again tomorrow!

Tonight was a night of good drink, good food and good friends. Me and my sophisticated group of peers went out for dinner, but before there was hell!
The family and friends went out for dinner, so i sat and had a non alcoholic cocktail whilst they all ate, then ALL of my teachers walked in! Oh god, i was out of there!

The evening then consisted of Pizza hut putting us in for the wrong night, and had 20 teenagers standing blocking their door. They found us a few tables and the night turned out great, with free drinks!!

I am not ready for 40+ lie-ins

Oh, and the photo was my lovely walk home, feeling stuffed from eating pizza :3

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