
Today the pro archaeologists got on with surveying one of the sites. This left me to escort around the area a group of six local enthusiasts. Up hill and over bog we went admiring this stone and that wall. Interesting to get the "real" story on some of them from the surveyors.
We finished up at the Old Inn, a favourite of mine, and had an hour to kill whilst waiting for the return boat. Warm enough to have a doze until woken up by a pair of Snow Buntings calling.
Looking across the Minch, one could see the N coast of Skye with its lighthouse and cliffs - probably twenty miles away but seemingly less.
In the evening two of the pros sang for their supper. One on St Kilda about which he has just published a book and another on recumbent stone circles(look them up!)  A good crowd of locals to hear the words of wisdom followed by a quick visit to the pub - it was only half a mile away and so it would have been churlish not to....

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