What a hopper!

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Taken quite early on in the day, which is rare for me, to pick such an early shot, as I always think my later photographs are better. A meadow grasshopper on a nice bit of *dry* grass for once & not one filled with raindrops. Very cloudy this morning, not the wall to wall sunshine until at least 3pm. But it's heating up, the wind has dropped & the sky tonight is clear as clear... all really good signs, let's hope they actually *mean* what they're predicting!

As for Larry:

Old master

Today was meant to be home & garden time, but went out to see a stone mason & ordered my mum's gravestone. He will be sending us two designs within a week & then once he has the green light, the stone will take up to 8-10 weeks. Went for a walk this evening, via the church, watered mum's plant on her grave, lovely to have her so close... although she's close by me where ever I am anyway xxxx

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