
Not quite sure how to describe this. I suppose it's a wall hanging, well that's where it was hanging on a wall, in a 'Shoppers Retreat'!

Although why anyone would want to retreat to this particular room for a sit down is beyond me. It used to be a fabulous book shop, but they obviously can't find anyone to rent the space now so they've turned it into this shoppers retreat, mind you nobody ever goes in there, as most people would rather sit down with a nice cup of coffee than go in this weird room.

Also the room is being used by a company to advertise some rather ugly garden features, mostly statues, and water features of which only one was working.

Anyway the day was nice, bright and sunny, 21C, but with a cold wind. So nice enough to go this particular shopping centre which is called Pacific Fair.

I'd actually gone there to buy something specific, I'd seen a couple of weeks ago, but put off buying as I thought it was a bit expensive, needless to say it had gone! Oh well saved myself some money. (It was actually a stick tree with lights, which had probably been around since last Christmas, so there probably will be more around this Christmas.)

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