
By mike191435

Well as you can see, the weather was cloudy once again today, and it is rather cold for the time of year.
I took todays blip on my way back from the doctors this morning. It is a view from the rear of our house.
As for the rest of today, it looks like we will be staying in, especially as we have an insurance guy coming to see us. Having only just retired, I have the unique opportunity of changing our health insurance before the normal annual subscription date next year. We think we have already found a suitable replacement on the internet, and are hoping that their representitive will be able to fill in some empty gaps when he comes later this afternoon. With health costs being what they are, and in view of the fact that one's health fails to improve once passed the 60 years mark, we need to be certain that we have cover for all eventualities.
I hope you have a good day and some nicer weather wherever you may be.

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