
By leasko


A glass of wine at the end of a long week. Followed by another, and a very good burger (at the Traverse, burger fans). Then to Filmhouse for a sing-along screening of Grease. Normally when we do sing-alongs I transcribe the lyrics and make up the slides with subtitles, and have to be in the projection box during the screening operating the soft-titling equipment. But Grease is available as a sing-along version, so this time I got to be in the audience singing my head off with everyone else. There was hilarity, dancing, hand jiving, many rounds of applause and a lot of whooping and cheering. Marvellous.

Off home to Shetland tomorrow for a week, very much looking forward to it. Will be taking my laptop, solely so I can upload blips. Addicted. ;-)

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