
Some time ago now I tried some "Elephant Garlic". Turns out we liked them, they're a bit milder than the true Garlic and useful in a number of our recipes.
"It is not a true garlic, but actually a variant of the garden leek. It has a tall, solid, flowering stalk and broad, flat leaves much like those of the leek, but forms a bulb consisting of very large, garlic-like cloves."

Later I, accidentally, bought some "Solo" elephants. These turned out to be a single "Clove" of pretty huge size, still mild, still useful.
Like many veggies which disappear over winter, if you're not super careful you get "Volunteers" I've had volunteer spuds & volunteer Artichokes many a time and oft, but this is the first time for volunteer Garlic &/or volunteer elephants.
Since I was turning a patch of ground "soil side up" prior to planting/sowing the odd volunteer had to be sacrificed, and, if poss, used in tonight's Stir-fry.
Unfortunately the outer appears to disintegrate/degrade to be replaced by another, single clove: but in the interim, what pops up more nearly resembled a Leek than a Garlic. Note the multitude of leaf layers, and odd name I christened it.
If you're interested there's a bit on them here (for as long as the link stays active anyway).
THAT link died - I expect WIKIwotnot to survive better.
Which I've just read & been inspired to leave a volunteer Solo in the ground 2 C what happens to it.

Moving up to May.

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