
By Realgrumpytyke

Blipfoto challenges, poached eggs and ... weather

I'm doing something with this blip which is unusual for me - writing the text not only before I take the picture, but with no idea what the picture will be. I may, therefore add a PS when I have the picture.
Being Tuesday, after my usual browse through blippers I follow and catching up a bit with comments over my early morning tea, my mind turned to what 'tiny' thing might make my blip for today. But then I've come to realise that these 'challenges' really do not help my photography and have begun to negate one of the things I first liked about blipfoto: finding a shot which is appropriate for the particular day, which says something about that day.
I tend to favour mono so often have a shot for mono Monday but it rarely fits the given theme and trying to follow the theme often excludes shots more appropriate for that day. But, as yesterday, the appropriate shot on a Monday may not be suited to mono. I don't consider myself to be a 'flower photographer' (Petronela is much better) but sometimes I'm motivated to blip a flower, but it's rarely on a Friday. One or two blippers have got me interested to try some 'abstract' shots but it's rarely on a Thursday and that challenge seems to be more about guessing what a very real object is, shot from an unusual viewpoint, so not really abstract at all. An exception is 'Derelict Sunday', because derelict buildings are a favourite subject for me but it can be shot on any day of the week, despite the name, so I can blip a mono derelict on any day and tag it DS.
I'm not suggesting there should not be 'challenges', they clearly motivate a lot of blippers to produce superb shots, but I think it's not for me.
So I'm not going out to find something 'tiny' today. But what turns me on today might just be 'tiny', who knows?
Poached eggs
Some comments on my poached eggs yesterday confirmed many previous comments to me, not from blippers, that they find poached eggs difficult. It took me a few years and a lot of horrible eggs to get them right, so maybe a few hints will not go amiss. First, throw away any specialised kit for poached eggs. Use only very fresh eggs. Put enough water in an ordinary saucepan to well cover the egg(s) - I prefer to do a pair together. Put a good dollop of vinegar in the water. Bring the water to the boil then reduce the heat until it's barely moving. Very carefully crack the egg and holding it just above the water let the contents 'drop' into the water. If you are adding a second egg make sure it's well separated from the first. Leave it until the white looks set but carefully test with a slotted spoon till you confirm this is so. Carefully lift the egg out with a slotted spoon. The yolk should be still soft, the white set but also still soft.
Junior doctors' strike
Just heard the latest comment from the arrogant J Hunt, saying that only the 'junior doctors' are responsible for the strike. Well, Mr Cameron, if there was ever any chance of me voting Tory in the next election the fact that you've left this blackmailing front-bencher in his post has ensured that chance has gone completely. If I come across a picket line I might join it.
PS. By the time I was ready to go out the weather had become horrible, alternating sleet, snow, hail and rain with very short occasional glimpses of the sun. So my blip is the view through the raindrops on my kitchen window -  not that much of the beautiful Wharfe Valley can be seen.

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