A frosty morning

Dear Diary,

The sunlight through the frosted crab apple tree this morning was stunning. It was more like an early December morning than late April though. Usually when we get a late snow it is gone by the afternoon but this one has stuck around. I am hoping that it hasn't damage the crab blossoms. The birds so look forward to the little fruit it produces in the fall.

The wild turkeys came back and dug through the snow to find insects buried beneath and Phineas has returned to his door knocking so things are getting back to normal around here. Yesterday, I was out during the storm battling with a broom to keep my daffodils upright. They do look a bit down in the face this morning though. I've added a couple of extra snow shots today.

We like to think we are in control of things. That we can manage our lives to suit our needs and desires and perhaps, some of the time at least, we can. But it was a day like yesterday that shows us how feeble we really are and that Nature will always have the last say in things. So I will enjoy the crystallized beauty of the crab this morning and be grateful for the stunning show it put on for me. It was a wonderful thing to wake up to really.

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