I'm baaaack.....

My Slitherin' friend has returned...No2 son found him laying across the path on his way out to the sheep this afternoon.
So we all piled out of the house to take pictures of him like good little blippers  :0)
He stayed there, eyeing us suspiciously for a while, and then slithered off, up the giant photinia and over to the tree at the end of the porch - where he sat for quite a while.  Probably looking for something to eat as there are lots of little birds that live in this area of the garden.
I don't really mind him, although I am checking the tree before I sit under it now...but I do hope he is not going to raid all the birds nests - not sure if I should chase him off for the sake of the birds, or keep him to deter less people-friendly snakes from coming around....

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