
By SpotsOfTime

East Head

I'm probably sailing a bit close to the wind with abstract Thursday, yet again. When I saw the theme of 'black and white with a dash or two', my first thought was of morse code so this is a bit of beach morse code. It's all a bit literal and contrived I feel. Nice beach pic in extras (I may swap it as I prefer it). Weirdly, just after I took this, I was watching the seal in the harbour and got chatting to the only other two people on the beach and they were from Hesket Newmarket near where I live. It's a ridiculously small world sometimes!
On my way back I collected some sea beet, Alexander's and fennel along the sea bank which should go nicely with my fish cake for dinner. Saw a great crested grebe, avocets, red kite and lots of geese, lapwing, skylark and a reed bunting.

More sorting and arranging. Took stuff to Heritage House, the day care centre that I did the New Year's Day Dip with. Met Mary there and they had a full house as usual. They do such wonderful work.

Thanks to youoregon1, once again, for the Abstact Thursday challenge.

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