Ours is a Nice House

Ours is a nice house, ours is,
What a nice little house ours is,
The roofs on the top of our pretty little shack,
The fronts at the front and the backs at the back,
Ours is a nice house ours is,
It's got no rats or mousies,
It's cheap, cheap, cheap,
Ten bob a week,
Ours is a nice house, ours is.

My husband remembers his Mum quoting this to him as a kid - a bit of googling has turned up this 1921 recording.

Truly, when the sun pours in, as it did today, and family and friends are filling it, ours is a nice house, ours is.

(Visited my friend in hospital today - the doctors agree her recovery so far is miraculous. As she put it, the ones who believe in prayer have an explanation; the others don't. Thank-you again for any prayers you said on her behalf.)

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