~Bidding War~

Took the girls to the school Carnival. This is a picture of Lexi in front of the quilt her class made. Each student made a square. Lexi is pointing to hers. At this point we had hopes of winning the bid.
We started bidding on this quilt.  My last bid was $180.00 and had noticed that someone named Ashley and myself were bidding against each other. At one point Ashley's Mom ( the women that made it) came up to me and asked me not to bid anymore because her daughter really wanted the quilt, then she asked me how bad Lexi wanted it. I told her she had been talking about it for weeks and really hoped we could get it. I then said since you made it can't you make your daughter one. She said my daughter wants this one. As she was telling me this her daughter is standing there crying and saying I want it.
 So I said I thought the purpose was to raise money for the school. She agreed but said she really wanted it and didn't want to pay anymore. but would make Lexi something if I let her daughter have the quilt. At this point I'm pretty confused why any parent would do this.  I told her okay but felt that Lexi would be pretty sad about it which she was. There was still 1/2 hour left of bidding and one more person bid so the final bid that Ashley's Mom paid was $200.00. I hope she thinks about it and realizes that what she did was so wrong just so her child could have what she wanted. 
The extra picture is of one of the Dad getting soaked.

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