
Bailey's been charming the dog walkers again if today's note is anything to go by. I was a bit delayed getting back to him tonight, especially for a Friday. It was mainly because I spent too much of my 'free' time trying to catch up with things that just haven't got done this week. And then a catch up with a friend and colleague who has a significant event to get past next week.

I also had a remarkable note today catching one of the Y9 girls out in writing her own note excusing her from her Dance lesson. The giveaway being that she had managed to misspell her own name...

That  was one of today's highlights along with set 5 Y11 finally starting to get to grips with the story of An Inspector Calls - with the aid of the recent BBC version and quite a considerable amount of patience. Come to think of it, they were responsible for draining me of all patience by 10am if the rest of my day was anything to go by. 

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