
By TexMama

Just for a day

No 2 son and Littleman "made" me buy these cacti last year...although they probably grow wild somewhere out there in the field with the cows...that man at the nursery saw us coming LOL
Anyhow, we planted them by some big rocks in the front garden.  No2 son's has doubled in size and this week was sporting a rather lovely pink flower...just for a day...but it was lovely for that one day.

Littleman's is a bit behind as it was accidentally run over by the lawnmower and took some time to recover...it has grown though, so I'm sure it will have it's own moment of loveliness at some point.

In the extras...a couple more shots from the front garden.  My broken birdbath which I planted with some rather scrappy looking half dead plants from last summer, has gone completely mad and is rather popular among the butterflies - as you can see :0)

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