Which Gate to Open?

"When we are born, we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools"
William Shakespeare: King Lear  

Lear has been learning that power and wealth do not really matter, and that the wisdom of old age involves a degree of letting go. In this way, old age returns a person to childhood—a time free from the seduction of power and the blindness of pride. His experiences have taught him to distinguish between a “bitter” fool and a “sweet” fool. Maybe it's possible that the first cry of life, or the cry we release upon entering any new chapter of life, is at once a lament of sorrow and an exclamation of joy.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, wondering where to go and what to do. I had some help with putting my ideas together, from ci-baby.com. Shakespeare really did have an amazing way with words.

I've just heard from Horomaka - he says that it's cloudy again in Tekapo, for the 2nd weekend running. :(     His image from yesterday is very much like mine above!

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