Super Goalie Game

What a chore it was trying to build this contraption! I was ready to boot the whole thing in the bin several times until I finally wangled it into some kind of order. I just don't have the knack when it comes to things like this.

It turned out to be a rather busy day. I was up at 6am with Leo, building this goalie game. Then Leo, Dad and I popped out for brekkie. Then it was back home to get Leo ready for his golf lesson. Ian took him there then mum and I met them there and took Leo to the library whilst Ian had his golf lesson. Then It was off to the hairdressers for me. Back home to get Leo some lunch and then start packing ready for his residential next week. Then it was a trip to Exeter to buy new school shoes for Leo as he has trashed another pair. Ian dropped Leo and I off on the outskirts of Cullompton so we could walk the last few miles home and we stopped off at a play park en route. And then it was home to put our feet up on and then head to bed. I think I will sleep well tonight!

I can't believe it is May tomorrow - this year is galloping by.

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