Twin Carbs

The good news is both of them seem to be fully working (the carburetors), it's the Triumph of course, our 2500TC. A nice little run out early evening. Hopefully some more miles tomorrow.

In other news it's been a day of small jobs. A trip to town to get Immy some decent running shoes (which turned out to be a full running kit). Watering the plants at my (Chris) parents whilst they are away. Then it was back home to fit a new cat flap for Yogi. We've had a "visitor" cat recently helping him/herself to Yogi's food so it was time to step up the security. Now we have a cat flap that only opens with Yogi's microchip. Well fingers crossed it will work. It was quite hard to get Yogi near it so we could programme it to "know" him but we think we've cracked it.

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