X Sighted

By q8rdave

Pass by 2

Another out-the-bus-window image. I didn't process it originally because it is out of focus. Now I am loving that it is. The black and white version of it is in extra photos. Wrote some thought about these two images:

For those of you who are interested in such considerations - Just went back through the files of South America images. Found one that I liked but wasn't sharp and so passed it by the first few times I worked on the Valparaiso set. Today it became interesting. So I made two versions - same composition, but one color, one black and white. I post both because I find it a lesson in looking. For me, each has its own narrative. The story changes when color is eliminated. I look more at the figures and the geometrics in the black and white version. In the color composition the balance is based primarily on the distribution of the reds. Photographs always lie because they take a moment out of time and present it as a reality when flow is the reality. Now I am showing you two lies. Each of which wants to be the truth. And neither is. Or rather they are truth only if one or the other or both have transcended being about the truth of the moment and have become a new truth.

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