
By valliei

Driving lesson

Oh, I'm still alive! Those are the feelings after first driving lessons on real roads. It felt totally different than in the parking lot. I was so nervous, that I totally forgot how the bike works - at least in the crossroads. Brake, clutch, head and and and....turning signal. Omg! I also blame the clutch that was adjusted just before we left and it felt nothing I was used to! Big mistake to do any adjustments before hitting the roads!

Straight road and curves went fine and it was fun to drive! But I know, I still have to practise - a lot. Managed to come home alive after 40 km and then the disaster stroke! All of sudden the bike was on its side in the front of our house! I have no idea what happened, the soft sand just swept my bike upside down. No harm done, I'm fine and the bike is fine - and the main thing; nobody did not see me falling! Now I'm trying to clear my memory from all this by washing the bike. Maybe next time I'm able to be more relaxed and lesson goes better!

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