Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Larger than Life Itself

We're having a really nice day here in Cairo. One of these rare days when neither of us is working, nor packing or unpacking. We had a lazy morning with a smoothie, coffee, toast and cheese and some Egyptian music playing from my iTunes collection. When we headed out to go to Zamalek we were struck by the heat and decided on the spur of the moment to get our taxi driver to take us on a wee city tour: Tahrir Square, Islamic Cairo, the Citadel and through Sayeda Zainab, then back to the Nile and Zamelek past the leather tanning area of Majra al Uyun - which we'll return to. We've just had a beer on The Rooftop in Zamelek and are now off for a wander and bite to eat - an early dinner - a delicious day so far! My blip's a taxi grab.

This would have been my dad's 81st birthday today had he not lost his life to motor neuron's disease in 2009. He wasn't physically larger than life, being a slim man of quiet disposition, but his presence in our family is larger than life itself. Missing him just as much today as always.

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