Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008


Absolutely unrelated to this picture is a moment of the day which 
I feel I should share with you.

I returned to my parked car to find the central locking was not 
responding to my electronic key.

The only solution was to release the hidden key inside the rubber fob
(yes you probably have one too - just twist and pull to find out.) 
I then insert it into the lock in the passenger side door.

Bob's your uncle!

The only problem is: 1) Your alarm goes off with full force and 
maximum power 

2) In order to turn the alarm off you have to clamber over the passenger 
seat and shove the remainder of the rubber fob in the ignition. This 
makes you look like you are breaking and entering - in the noisiest way possible.


But not as embarrassing as losing your parking ticket down
the side of a seat during the scrum and only realising you have lost it 
when you are at the barrier with 30 cars behind you.

Now that's really embarrassing

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